Electrical demands created by modern technology put more stress on older electrical systems. Also, insurance companies have started to deny renewals to homes equipped with electric panels that have been known to cause electrical fires and have not been replaced by a qualified Chicagoland electrician.
A service panel distributes electricity throughout your Chicagoland building. The service panel divides the power coming from a source and feeds it into different circuits. A fuse or circuit breaker protects each circuit in the home. The panel contains a main power switch and several breakers that provide overload protection.
Chicagoland homeowners who need to change their electric panel must have a licensed Chicagoland electrician change it out. Replacing a panel involves entirely removing the old panel and replacing it with one that meets with current code standards. Many old service panels are now inadequate. They create dangerous safety hazards that homeowners do not know about.
Chicagoland homes that do have a more modern service panel may need a service panel upgrade. Homeowners may find an upgrade necessary when buying new appliances that put higher demands on the electrical system. An electrical panel has a lifespan of between 20 to 25 years. When homeowners start experiencing flickering lights and can feel heat coming through the panel, it is time to call an electrician for an upgrade. In some situations, circuit breakers deteriorate to the point where they burn out. Waiting too long to replace an old system runs the risk of the electrical panel shutting down or possibly causing a house fire.
Having an electrician replace or rebuild your present electrical service panel will prevent many problems in the future. In most situations, a complete replacement will cost less than constantly making repairs. Chicagoland homeowners need to check with their insurance company to learn about the requirements to reduce their premiums for making electrical upgrades. Typically, both utility bill reductions as well as insurance cost savings will easily justify the investment in a panel change out.
When upgrading to a modern service panel system, it may be necessary to have your Chicagoland electrician rewire the entire building to meet the increased electrical demands, replace ancient wiring and improve energy efficiency.
Electrical upgrades are governed by local building code regulations. Many electrical repairs, installations and repairs must be inspected and approved. Because of the skill and knowledge it takes to upgrade a service panel, only a licensed and experienced Chicagoland electrician can do it safely and efficiently.